Waist Buster

UltraSlim is a highly effective treatment with a 100% success rate*, offering needle-free, downtime-free, and affordable weight loss solutions. Our Waist Buster program, targets stubborn areas like the waist, hips, thighs, and buttocks, providing immediate fat reduction in just 32 minutes. This makes it a perfect alternative to procedures that involve damaging or killing fat cells. Plus, UltraSlim can target one area, multiple areas, or the entire body, ensuring a customized approach for each client.

Our goal is to enhance clients' confidence while reducing their measurements. We rely on UltraSlim® because it is the leading device for non-invasive fat loss and improving skin quality, suitable for all skin and body types. With UltraSlim®, there's no need for dieting or exercise — you'll be amazed by the remarkable, immediate results! On average, patients lose 3.5 inches (1.6 liters) of pure fat, and some achieve over 10 inches reduction in a single session.

How It Works

Waist weight loss transformation with UltraSlim for women at Beautiful Body.

UltraSlim is an innovative fat removal procedure that utilizes a patented red-light therapy known as PBM, or photobiomodulation, to target and eliminate unwanted fat in specific areas. This unique light energy penetrates the skin, reaching adipose tissue, which is body tissue containing stored fat found throughout the body. This includes subcutaneous fat (under the skin), visceral fat (around internal organs), fat between muscles, within bone marrow, and in breast tissue.

As the light passes through the skin painlessly, it stimulates cells to create a pore in their membrane, allowing fatty acids and triglycerides to escape. These released fat cell contents are then eliminated by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body's natural detoxification process. The pores in the cells typically close within 48 to 72 hours, during which time the liberated contents are expelled through stool.

Waist weight loss transformation with UltraSlim for men at Beautiful Body.
Waist weight loss transformation with UltraSlim for women at Beautiful Body.

Every body is unique. We will work with you to create an individual care plan to determine the number of sessions needed to help you achieve your goals. Beautiful Body assures you, with confidence, that all clients are treated based on their desired outcome. We want to understand your vision for your body. Collectively, Beautiful Body desires to improve the mental health and self-esteem of everyone who walks through our doors. Contact us today and let’s get started!